Monday, November 29, 2010
Hooray for Teachers
Monday, November 22, 2010
The Big News
For the past year we have been developing, designing and dreaming up educational games for children that teach them about healthy eating and living. As childhood obesity continues to grow throughout North America we were crafting a concept that would let kids have fun with their food, namely healthy food.
I am so proud to announce that we launched our website today at I invite you to check out our first 3 games FoodMoves, FoodFarm and FoodFlash and see what our brand is all about.

Our games are for children between the ages of 3-8, and with Hanukah and Christmas upon us what better gift to give than the gift of health to last a lifetime.
And better yet, for each game sold, we will donate 5% of proceeds to organizations committed to fighting the childhood obesity epidemic.
I'd appreciate your help in passing this message along as we're a small grassroots company. Moms, dads, grandparents, teachers...anyone with a special child in their life.
Thanks so much and hopefully some of you will be "playing with your food" soon!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Snot your Average Tissue

These wipes were created by two moms who obviously knew best. Each wipe contains a saline solution to get those little noses unblocked with a quick swipe.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Sick and Tired
It started off with a weekend in the country where Hannah developed a runny nose. Lots of soup, juice and TLC but she was still sick come Monday. Turns out 2/3 of her class were in the same boat (luckily she didn't get the gastro part of it).
So I worked from home on Monday and actually accomplished quite a bit during an unprecedented 3 hour nap.
Tuesday was with a babysitter and Wednesday was back to school with a still snotty (but not coloured snot) nose.
So while she's still recuperating from the cold. I'm recovering from an intense work week. I've become an official Twitter junkie promoting our new brand @foodfun. We are getting great response but boy, is it ever an all consuming job.
All that to say that I am so looking forward to sharing FoodFun with you next week when our website officially launches. The brand has been in the making for over a year now so it's wonderful to see it finally coming to fruition.
Stay tuned!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Moms' Night Out

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Holiday Mismash

2. Stella McCartney Kids

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Dayight Savings
3 Ways To Help Your Baby Adjust to The New Time
By Diana Gonzalez Blanco. Founder, Smooth Parenting.
The end of daylight savings is getting closer and many parents are wondering what to do to maintain their baby or toddler’s sleep habits, despite the time change. We ‘fall back’ to Standard Time on Sunday, November 7th 2010* at 2a.m. by setting our clock back one hour. That usually means that our children wake up one hour earlier the following morning.
Baby sleep challenges are not uncommon during daylight savings time adjustments. Still, there are some general tips that you can follow to have a smoother transition, regardless on how you decide to adjust your child’s schedule to the new time:
· Continue your bedtime and naptime routines. The regular and familiar routines you follow when putting your baby to sleep should be maintained.
· Keep your baby’s nursery dark, so the daylight (and nightlight) changes do not interfere with his/her sleep.
· Carry on promoting positive sleep associations.
· Remember that consistency is still key.
· Change your watch and clocks to the new time before going to bed, November 7th.
In addition to these measures, there are three basic approaches we can follow to help children with the transition:
1. Gradual ‘Pre- Fall Back Day’ Transition
Starting Thursday, November 4th 2010, move your baby/ toddler bedtime back 15 minutes each night. Your baby’s whole daily schedule moves back those 15 minutes the day after. This way, you will have shifted your baby’s schedule ahead by one hour by the time you have to move your clock back one hour. Therefore, your baby would be going to sleep at his usual time right away, based on the Standard Time right away.
2. Gradual ‘Post- Fall Back Day’ Transition
The day after the daylight savings time ends, Monday November 8th, 2010, your baby will most likely wake up one hour earlier than usual (based on the clock). Starting then you should make sure your baby, toddler’s naptime and bedtime are 45 minutes earlier than his/her regular schedule the first day; 30 minutes earlier the second day; and 15 minutes earlier the third day.
The whole daily schedule adjusts to those changes accordingly. By doing this, your baby would be going to sleep and waking up at his regular times, based on the Standard Time, by Friday November 12th.
3. Immediate Transition
The day after the daylight savings time ends, you follow your baby’s schedule based on Standard Time. Therefore, on Monday November 8th, 2010 you switch your child ‘cold turkey’ to the new time. This option tends to be harder on children and on parents, and would be only advisable for children who are extremely adaptable to changes and new schedules.
Regardless of the approach you decide to take, remember that every child is different and they will adjust differently to changes in their sleep schedule. It takes several days to adjust to the new times, so be prepared for your baby to wake up earlier than usual on occasions, to be crankier than usual during the afternoon, and/or to be sleepier during the first days of the transition.
Be patient, loving and consistent to ensure a smooth and successful transition.
*2010 Daylight Savings ends:
· Sunday, November 7th at 2 a.m. in the United States and Canada
· October 31st in Europe, Mexico and Central America
2010 Daylight Savings Starts in most countries of the South Hemisphere, October 3rd
Monday, November 1, 2010
Trick or Treat, Treat, Treat