Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A New Favourite

Sippy cups.

We seem to go through them rather quickly in this house.

Most of them are chewed up by Hannah and end up in the recycling bin. And at $7 a pop it adds up. But we've found a new favourite cup, thanks to my sister.

Hannah developed a love for straws on vacation, so the Learning Curve's Take & Toss recyclable cup is our new favourite must-have! They are made of a BPA-free cup with a lid and a straw. With 4 cups per pack, they are also a great buy.
But they are extremely hard to find. My sister purchased hers at Loblaws so I went to the Maxi on Cote des Neiges, none there. Then, to the Loblaws on St Croix. None there either. I got lucky this morning at the Loblaws on St Jacques. And though I just had two colour packs to choose from looks like there are a bunch of character options online.

I will admit that its only been a few hours since I brought them home and Hannah has already started chewing away on one of the straws. But these grown-up spill-proof cups are my recommendation of the week.

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