Thursday, July 30, 2009
Toothpicks Please
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Expecting Style
Monday, July 27, 2009
August Ninth
Friday, July 24, 2009
Is this thing on?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
In the Company of Moms
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
A Mom's Guide to Cow-town
Monday, July 20, 2009
Home Sweet Home
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Extra Baggage
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Favourite Things
Babies come with extra baggage. Though while I am proud to not be an owner of a Diaper Genie here is a list of my mommy must-haves:
Beco Baby Carrier – stylish, comfortable and perfect for dog walking
Bébé au Lait – my solution to nursing in public
Adiri bottles – boob-like to make an easy transition from breast to bottle
Bumble Bags Natalie Tote – waterproof, tons of pockets and a structured handled make it easy to pick up
Medela Freestyle Breast Pump – it sat in the box for two weeks as I contemplated the $400 price tag but it was the best investment ever. I once made fun of the photo of the woman on the box pumping hands-free, typing away. But I won’t lie – I’ve done it countless times (not now, don’t worry)
Bugaboo Frog – a step down from the pricey Cameleon but who really needs shock absorbers anyways? In bright orange, so light and easy to fold down.
H&M baby clothes – cheap, chic and cute
Trumpette socks – cause MaryJanes are just so much cuter. A hefty pricetag but currently on sale at Tickle Tickle
Method Baby Laundry Detergent & Dryer Sheets – keeping it au natural and love the scent of rice milk and mallow
Baby OxiClean – It can get out even the most indestructible stain
Baby Steals - 'Cause who doesn't love a good deal?
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Baby Barcelona

Pink and Green.
Through the Night
Monday, July 6, 2009
What’s in a name?
From the moment I found out I was having a little girl I knew her name would be Hannah. I had loved the name for years, for numerous reasons (no not because it was a palindrome, which I only realized after she was born).
But when it came time to name this blog it wasn’t as simple a task. How could I make it personal to my experiences as a mom? I could name it, (her birth date), or a million other options. So why Midnight Mom?
Well, throughout my pregnancy I knew I had to value my sleep while it lasted. My 4am bathroom jaunts were preparing me for sleepless nights and early morning feedings. What I didn’t realize however was that my child-to-be would be a night owl. I figured most babies went to bed around 7 or 8pm but not my little girl. When the clock strikes midnight that’s when her eyelids begin to flutter and she gets into a bedtime state of mind. And while I’m all for waiting it out until the enchanted carriage turns back into a pumpkin and the fairy godmother is no longer of service, I never expected this to be my new bedtime schedule. I know in a matter of weeks she’ll be hitting the sack early but…
My first discovery as a new mom. One of many more to come. Discoveries that I hope to share with you.
A Year of Firsts
My first baby. My first year of being thirty. My first blog post.
The past few months have been full of firsts but none as pivotal as becoming a mom. Four months into it, I have far from mastered the art of mommy-hood. Rather I’ve been lucky enough to be surrounded by moms of all ages who have shared advice, tips and stories. Some solicited, even more unsolicited, but in the end, all the reason for the creation of this blog. In such a short amount of time, I have learned so much – so why not share my experiences, both good and bad, in the hopes of helping out some other moms? Whether it be in the form of advice, a smile, a laugh or a voice of commiseration, I hope to be an avid blogger (when I’m not feeding, burping, changing diapers and belting out Justin Roberts songs to soothe a fussy baby).
So on that note, let me be the first to welcome you to my blog, Midnight Mom.