I'll admit to turning on Oprah a few days a week at 4pm while Hannah plays but for the moment we stay away from cartoons.
That is with one tiny exception...occasionally pre-naptime, Hannah will zone out with some Wiggles music videos on YouTube. Hot Potato, Big Red Car, Fruit Salad...they really are some of her favourite songs. Maybe its watching the colourful shirts of Sam, Murray, Jeff and Anthony dance on the screen, or maybe its that they truly are great Australian performers.

My husband fully admits to singing Dr. Knicker Bocker all day long yesterday. And he just made me watch this video.
Unfortunately, their tours don't seem to make it to Montreal. But we've heard of some families who are willing to make the trip to Ottawa. If this YouTube habit keeps on, we might just be packing up for a family road trip when the next Wiggles tour is announced. Toot, toot, chugga, chugga...maybe it'll be a road trip in the big red car....