Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I had a revelation today. I have too much to do.

As a working, stay-at-home mom every minute is a precious one and my day seems to be planned out to the very last second.

Between Hannah, Winston (the dog), our activities and, oh ya, work, there isn't a minute to spare. And while nap time may seem like a momentary breather, that's when I whip out my phone and trusty notebook and start getting to work.

Also, I am a proud Habs fan but I have to admit that these games are taking up way too much of my time. Sure, I write this post between the 2nd and 3rd periods, but 20 minutes isn't nearly enough time to accomplish any given task at hand.

So the bottom line is that I need more time. Namely, a little more time for myself (to exercise, eat and, yes, breathe). While I somewhat loath the prospect of going back to work full time, I have to admit that I find just a little bit of serenity in knowing that I can sit behind a desk for two consecutive hours. So that's what "me" time has come to mean, has it?

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